Working days: 08:00 - 20:00 Saturday: 10:00 - 15:00 Sunday: Closed

Air conditioning systems

Air conditioning systems are designed to maintain comfortable indoor conditions, including temperature, humidity, air circulation and cleanliness.
Modern air conditioning systems can easily perform many tasks at the same time.

Heating and cooling.
Comfortable humidity control.
Air cleaning
Uniform distribution of air in the room.
The air conditioning system can be divided into a number of subgroups:
1. Monoblocks.
2. Split systems
3. Multisplit systems
4. Multizone VRV and VRF systems.
5. Systems with chiller-fan coil
6. Precision air conditioners
7. Ducted air conditioners
Sardbod offers an energy efficient, engineered climate solution for all types of spaces that improves air quality, providing a superior climate and a high level of comfort for you.